Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gainesville, Florida --> Spokane, Washington: Day 2

Thank goodness we stopped for some shut-eye in New Florence, MO!  After sleeping for 5 hours, taking a shower and squeezing in a "free" bagel and smear, we felt good as new.
Departing conditions:
  • Time: 9:41am Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • City: New Florence, MO
  • Temp: 33 F
We needed ice for the cooler, snow would definitely do!

We knew what stood ahead of us for day 2...Kansas. There really just isn't that much to say about it. It's flat, nothing around and it smelt like cow poo. Unfortunately Margaret was driving and had to endure the drive, I, on the other hand, continued sleeping. So since nothing exciting happened in Kansas, except for drawing in  the snow, seeing a tumbleweed, the wind farm and being bamboozled into thinking there was a gas station out in the middle of nowhere, I'm just going to list the stops we had...nothing can help Kansas.

Stop 1:
  • Time: 12:22pm Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • City: Levinworth, KS
  • Temp: 30 F
  • Gas: $33.66/10.203 gallons
  • Eating place: Taco Bell --> it was kind of weird how many people were there eating the KFC buffet in the KFC/Taco Bell establishment. Also, the random woman asking to use Margaret's phone (too bad we were roaming...)
  • Miles driven: 1,137.5
Stop 2:
  • Time: 2:01pm Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • City: Paxico, KS
  • Temp: 28 F
  • Miles driven: 1,211.4
Wind Farm!
Stop 3:
  • Time: 4:46pm Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • City: Wakeeney, KS
  • Temp: 34 F
  • Rest area: played in snow and had the news told to us through a loud speaker outside of the restrooms
  • Miles driven: 1,413.1

Stop 4:
  • Time: 5:35pm Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • City: Grainfield, KS
  • Temp: 34 F
  • Gas: $10.09/2.995 gallons --> we only partially filled the tank because the unleaded was more expensive than premium...and there was a man keeping guard in his car, unfortunately, he was asleep
  • Miles driven: 1,452.5
Stop 5:
  • Time: 5:55pm Saturday, Febrary 26, 2011
  • City: Oakley, KS
  • Temp: 36 F
  • Gas: $32.76/9.783 gallons
  • Miles driven: 1,470.6
The sunset was gorgeous.
Stop 6:
  • Time: 7:30pm Saturday, Febrary 26, 2011
  • City: Limon, Colorado
  • Temp: 39 F
  • Eating place: Arby's --> we were in the lap of luxury here. Any table we wanted, got to go straight to the front of the line and had all the men staring at us!
  • Gas: $21.58/6.831gallons
  • Miles driven: 1,635.7
Stop 7:
  • Time: 11:50pm Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • City: Wheatland, Wyoming
  • Temp: 27 F
  • Gas: $26.04/8.77 gallons --> it was common sense to stop at Common Cents, unfortunately, this is where I stepped in some animal feces and Margaret cleaned it off with the wet wipes that my mom conveniently place in various spaces of my car before I left. Thanks mom!!!!
  • Miles driven: 1,880.3
Our eyes started to close, the heat wrapped around our tired bodies, and we decicded to call it a night. The only thing that stood between us and a nice, warm bed was VACANCY. Who would have known that the only town big enough for more than one hotel, was also hosting a high school wrestling match. After calling about 5 different places, we settled on the only vacant hotel. Stop 8 (SLEEP).
  • Time: 1:36am Sunday, February 27, 2011
  • City: Casper, Wyoming
  • Temp: 16 F
  • Resting place: Days Inn --> $85/night 
  • Miles driven: 1,989.3
View from the hotel in Casper, WY

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