Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shoes, clothes and stuff....OH MY!

Preparing for this trip has been.....interesting.  Packing your life for 2 months is definitely a challenge.  I wanted to bring EVERYTHING, but fitting EVERYTHING into a Scion TC definitely wasn't going to happen (especially when there are two of us traveling the 2,693 miles).

So far, we've only packed my stuff and here is the situation...... (sorry, but I'm watching the Shore now)

I successfuly packed my half of the car!!!

Here is our plan:
  • wake up Friday morning at 6:00am....and slightly freak out
  • pick Margaret up and pack her side of the car and probably freak out that it won't fit
  • drive to campus and take Skills Lab final at 8:30 (even though if we don't have to take the final we'll get a B)
  • after we finish our FINAL final, we will be headed to I-75 for the first leg of our trip! (hopefully around 10:00am)
During the trip, we won't be checking in, but don't freak out...we'll fill you in once we get settled.

So yeah, that's our plan!!!  OMG!!! We're driving 2,500 miles across the country tomorrow!!!!!